

In North Carolina, a concealed handgun permit is required to carry a concealed handgun. The process for obtaining the concealed handgun permit can look daunting at first, but it’s straight forward:

Step 1: Make Sure You are Eligible:

The first step in the process for obtaining your NC concealed handgun permit is to make sure that you are eligible for obtaining a permit. The NC State Legislature has outlined a specific set of guidelines for who is and who is not eligible for obtaining a permit in NCGS 14-415.12. We’ve put together a basic summary of the requirements below:

(1)        The applicant is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the State 30 days or longer immediately preceding the filing of the application.

(2)        The applicant is 21 years of age or older.

(3)        The applicant does not suffer from a physical or mental infirmity that prevents the safe handling of a handgun.

(4)        The applicant has successfully completed an approved firearms safety and training course which involves the actual firing of handguns and instruction in the laws of this State governing the carrying of a concealed handgun and the use of deadly force. 

There is also a specific set of circumstances in the law which requires a Sheriff to deny a permit to an applicant. Again, we’ve summarized the dis-qualifiers below:

(1)        Is ineligible to own, possess, or receive a firearm under the provisions of State or federal law.

(2)        Is under indictment or against whom a finding of probable cause exists for a felony.

(3)        Has been adjudicated guilty in any court of a felony (except for a couple of specific felonies outlined in the law)

(4)        Is a fugitive from justice.

(5)        Is an unlawful user of, or addicted to marijuana, alcohol, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance

(6)        Is currently, or has been previously adjudicated by a court or administratively determined by a governmental agency whose decisions are subject to judicial review to be, lacking mental capacity or mentally ill.

(7)        Is or has been discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States under conditions other than honorable.

(8)        Is or has been adjudicated guilty of or received a prayer for judgment continued or suspended sentence for several specific crimes outlined in the law.

(9)        Has had entry of a prayer for judgment continued for a criminal offense which would disqualify the person from obtaining a concealed handgun permit.

(10)      Is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a crime which would disqualify him from obtaining a concealed handgun permit.

(11)      Has been convicted of an impaired driving offense under a specific set of laws within the previous 3 years.

Class Curriculum : NC Concealed Carry Handgun (DOJ)~Modified NRA Basic Pistol 

Duration: State requirement 8 hours

Hours on range: 1 or till qualified

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New Shooter Seminar:

The New Shooter Seminar is a basic summary of all aspects regarding firearms. From the 3 basic NRA gun safety rules, to safe storage, action types, magazines, ammunition and more! This class is a perfect course for any novice shooter.

This class is designed for the person who has had zero experience with firearms or a basic understandings but wants to learn a little more. Also designed for the student wanting to know the different types of firearms before making a purchase.

The New Shooter Seminar is a summary of all aspects regarding firearms. Class will help educate on:

Gun Safety

Home Safety & Storage

Understanding The Types of Guns And Their Parts

Actions For Long Guns

Typical Long Gun Parts

Types Of Pistols

Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts

Revolver Parts




What to Expect On The Range

What You Need

Cleaning and Other Things To Remember

NRA Training Courses

NRA New Shooter Curriculum

Duration: 1-2 hours

Hours on range: 0 (zero)

Cost: $10.00

Dates: Open

Location: In home or online available.

RSVP required

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Need time at the range?

This class covers range, use of firearm and 100 rounds of ammo with a basic hands on shooting experience. Your coach will help you develope good shooting skills. Coach will use the MantisX Shot Analyzer and provide valuable feeedback on your session.

Cost $50.00

Location: Range

Duration: 2 hours

email: for booking

Click the immage for more info on the MantisX

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Refuse To Be A Victim

One of the most important steps toward ensuring your own safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it. NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program teaches the tips and techniques you need to be alerted to dangerous situations and to avoid criminal confrontation. 

Seminars are held across the nation and are open to individuals of all ages. Today, thousands of federal, state and local law enforcement officials and civilians from across the nation utilize this popular program in their crime prevention and community policing initiatives to help protect their communities.

Corporations, educational institutions, and community centers have also adopted the program. All told, more than 120,000 people have benefited from these seminars.

Violent Crimes

According to the FBI, in 2016, there were an estimated 1,248,185 violent crimes reported to law enforcement. That's one violent crime every 25 seconds!

Property Crimes

The FBI reported an estimated 7,919,035 property crimes in 2016.

Vehicle Theft

Motor vehicle theft remains a major reported crime with 766,484 occurring in 2016

Please contact me for further booking information.

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Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program for children.



The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program is a gun accident prevention program that for over 30 years has helped keep kids safe. The program was developed by a task force made up of educators, school administrators, curriculum specialists, urban housing safety officials, clinical psychologists, law enforcement officials and National Rifle Association firearm safety experts. It began in 1988 with one mission: teach children four simple, easy to remember steps so they know what to do if they ever come across a gun. In 2015 the NRA introduced a fresh, new Eddie and added some friends—his Wing Team. Though Eddie has evolved, his mission has not. Now celebrating its 30th anniversary, Eddie and his friends are still focused on telling children that if they see a gun, they need to Stop! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up.

You talk about stranger danger, Internet safety, fire drills and more with why not include gun safety? The program makes no value judgments about firearms, no firearms are ever used, and it covers an important topic that needs to be addressed with kids. Like swimming pools, electrical outlets and matchbooks, firearms are simply treated as a part of everyday life. With firearms found in about half of all American households, it’s a stance that makes sense.

Cost: FREE

Location: TBD (We can come to any location)

Duration: 1 hour

email: for booking

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